It’s been a while since I posted, and I’ve been reflecting a lot as we enter. It’s time to let go of the fears that have kept us from pursuing our dreams and goals. When you take that first step toward change, the possibilities are endless. ✨ You truly cannot mess up what is meant for you so stop worrying about the what-ifs. Trust your intuition, follow your heart, and let your soul guide you. ❤️
Start using the word GLIMMER for those moments in your day that make you feel gratitude, happiness, joy, and peace. Look for these glimmers (or, as I like to say, the bright side), and watch how they begin to multiply. 🌈 Remember to change your mindset and train your brain for positivity!
My word for 2025 is CHANGE.
There will be changes with Anita Inspires, bringing forth new content and future books. As I evolve, I’d love for you to follow along on this journey!
On the first of each month, don’t forget your cinnamon ritual to call forth good fortune and well-being for 2025. Not sure what I’m talking about?

You can check out my book in English, Cleansing Rituals: Step-by-Step Guide (https://books2read.com/CleansingRituals),
or in Spanish, Rituales De Limpieza: Guía Paso-a-Paso (https://books2read.com/RitualesdeLimpieza).

BUY IT NOW & DO IT! You never know. You might win the lottery. 💸

Since you’re part of my community, you can access my free ebook in English and Spanish to start 2025 manifesting your best life by signing up for my newsletter here: https://tinyurl.com/Anita-Fonteboa
I also have a new Anita Inspires podcast, “The Universe is Listening,” packed with manifesting tips.
Watch “The Universe is Listening” now on YouTube:
🎉 Thank you for being part of my community, and okay, that’s it from me. I know this was a long one. If you made it to the end, THANK YOU!
I’m so excited for January, and guess what? 2025 is going to be even better! 🆕🎊 I’ve got some exciting new surprises planned, and trust me, you’ll love what’s coming next! 🎊
Be open to new opportunities for a fresh start and change!!! ✨